Sustainable before Midnight

Human Species have caused damage to the Earth. This is believed by many scientists. It is an untruth and a myth for many believers just like many scientists believe in the opposite. Did we ever wonder why the two sides don't agree with each other? 

One, the calculation of damage by climate change is hard to quantify. Which damage to give more priority? Damage to the rain forests or the tearing apart of glaciers? Fire in the forests or the smoke from coal plants? The calculation is difficult in quantitative terms. Garbage heaps are measured in tons. When the air pollution is charted in ratios of millions. Do you care about the marine life? Or do you use PET in the Himalayas? 

Humans like complexity. Their brains do not. 

If we break down history of the cosmos (yes from the Big Bang!). I hate to break the news (don't mind please) but, humans have existed for a few seconds in the entire time since the beginning of time itself. Maybe the picture of the clock would help you. Dart your eyes below and have a look. 

It is true that humans are the most intelligent species on the planet. Until the big green man (or woman) arrives, we remain at the top of the food chain. Our species has succeeded in creating a planet that serves us exclusively.

For how long if we play the game as we do today? Do we remain at commanding heights or can we change the rules of the game for a future we could agree upon? With that question I bid adieu to you.



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