Evolution of the Inner Light in Homes
To Constance
Kreizer author of The Loss of (Dark) Inside Space
By Arpit G,
Anant Fellow
What is Art ? A professor would chew his student's ear on
that question, his belief being, that the pursuit of human genius, is where we
begin with human imagination, the one variable that sets animals and humans
apart. We are a hungry species, toddlers are taught to enter the gate, sit on
the chair, meekly, in order by your honor, and then not to grab those cashew
nuts to satiate the urge for food, says Devdutt Pattanaik. 'Un-culture of
control' and public perception of the family, your honor tells us, not the nature.
Why shouldn’t a child be a child, the parent imagines confounded, while looking
up the poster walls, listening to Carol Dweck, and learning behavior psychology
in hardbound books on their pristine walls? The curiosity and thirst are a
quest to quench hunger, of the stomach, of the soul, of the brain, they are to
say we are human, and unquenched the human turns animalistic.
Democracy and humanization of the human, this is the premise towards invention of the modern light human's hunger to kill the dark. Serving the
demos, the un-served parts, is its next frontier today. While the author reminds
herself about the meaning of light, the light gives meaning to the long
standing promise which human’s faculties promised to the meek and the dying on
earth. Give me light, and I shall give you an empire, the light did exactly
that. The light protected humans, fire
warding off lions to ethereal spirits, the light snorkeling in the amygdala,
representing the absence of fear itself. The light offers hope to the mind, the
author might see the contrast of what we see today and how we use lights. We
could then trust each other as a society, moreover, extend a torch to calculate
the length of the tunnel with storage batteries, cascading the effect of human
interventions into the unknown, a tad bit longer.
The presence of LED furthered the demos, entering homes of
the slum, and to the table-top of Sunday street fruit seller. Human was an
animal, when it couldn’t give light while the god reigned, it turned into a
god when every rooftop and ceiling imitated the million almighties. It is a sweet departure, like in the old Hindi
song, turning the slave to master in a generation, while making sense of what
it could achieve alongside. Every rise has its fall, we are entering into a
modern world with a new way, it’s a new life, and it’s a call to design in
daily lives.
The aesthetic of lighting around is the new investment the
civilized do. How will the bookrack look, the light on my prized possession
should be a sight to the beholder. Dieter Rams is an old buffoon, arguably, what utility and human design was earlier, it is still not the Bill Bryson’s
house of yore. It is the modern human, much higher IQ and tech, the design
of my lighting, the yellow, the blue and white, as per my choice, controlled
from my Alexa. I am the master of the day, hope and glow, the mistress in the
night, the wall shines when I blink, the floor radiates when I step-up the stairs, the dark smiles at
my command, no questions asked, just a click of the app, et voila. The new god reins
over the old god, turns superhuman of the 4th dimension a ruler
with a personal kingdom.