Latest Read : Upside of Irrationality

Our brain has wonderful way by which it constantly evolves along the way devising ways to leave us astray. At times it tries teaching something to us. We all usually busy in our world, decide against its meaningful advices and encroach upon 'decisions' we deem fit. What we never discover is the source of errors in judgement. Subconscious knows all and decides to inform at appropriate timing what we seek to accomplish. But gut and intuition (which at time prove to be wrong) come in between claiming everything. If we win, we call it glory, if not, it is termed as a mistake. But fellows. It is not our decisions over which we so easily lay claim upon that make us win. On the other hand it is the subconscious. While executing pre -ecided actions we choose to listen (best thing to do!) all that our subconscious has clammed up in the past. That usually makes us execute our plans with a promise of success or at least save as from a nasty debacle. Everyday while we are b...